WB Madhyamik Examination 2025 মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা- ২০২৫

আর কিছুদিন পরেই পশ্চিমবঙ্গ মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদের পরিচালনায় WB Madhyamik Examination 2025 হতে চলেছে। নির্বাচনী পরীক্ষার পর প্রস্তুতি চলছে জোরকদমে। এই প্রস্তুতি পর্বে তোমাদের জন্য নিয়ে আসা হয়েছে ইংরাজি বিষয়ে বেশ কয়েকটি মডেল সেট। এই গুলি অভ্যাস করলে ইংরাজি বিষয়ে দারুন সাফল্য আসবেই। আজ প্রথম সেট।


Amit Manna

12/26/20246 min read

মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি - ২০২৫ English Model Set - 1
মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতি - ২০২৫ English Model Set - 1


CLASS –X SUBJECT – ENGLISH (B) F.M. – 90 TIME – 3 hours 15 minutes




1. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow :

Of course there was nobody for us to play with on the Big Half Moon. We just had to make the most of each other, and we did. We live on the Big Half Moon. "We" are Father and Claude and I and Aunt Esther and Mimi and Dick. It used to be only Father and Claude and I. It is all on account of the kite that there are more of us. This is what I want to tell you about. Father is the keeper of the Big Half Moon lighthouse. I am only eleven years old. Claude is twelve. In winter, when the harbour is frozen over, we all move over to the mainland. As soon as spring comes, back we sail to our own dear island. The funny part used to be that people always pitied us when the time came for us to return. They said we must be so lonesome over there, with no other children near us. Of course Claude and I would have liked to have someone to play with us, because it is hard to run pirate caves and things like that with only two. But we used to quarrel a good deal with the mainland children in winter, so perhaps it was just as well that there were none of them on the Big Half Moon. Claude and I never quarrelled.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : 1x5=5

i) The harbor in the Big Half Moon is frozen over in– a) spring b)Summer c) Winter d)all seasons.

Ans. ____________________________________

ii) The narrator’s family sails to their own dear land in – a) Spring b) Summer c)Autumn d)Winter.

Ans. ____________________________________

iii) People pitied the narrator and her brother for their – a) lonesomeness b) poverty c) homelessness d)migration .

Ans. ___________________________________

iv) To run pirate caves is the children’s - a)imagination b)game c) naughtiness d)task.

Ans. ___________________________________

v) Claude was senior to the narrator by – a)one year b) two years c) three years d) four years.

Ans. ___________________________________

B. Complete the following sentences with the information from the text : 1x3=3

i) ‘We’ are __________________________________________________________________________________

ii) In winter, when the harbor is frozen over __________________________________________________________________________________

iii) The funny part is __________________________________________________________________________________

C. Answer the following questions : 2x2=4

i) What is the source of the passage?


ii) What made the narrator sad in the Big Half Moon?


2. Read the following stanza and answer the following questions :

I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;

And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,

And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,

To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,

And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.

A. Choose the correct option from the alternatives given to complete the sentences below : 1x4=4

i) The poet wants a – a) wavy sea b) lonely sea c) noisy sea d) windy day.

Ans. ___________________________________

ii) The poet wants to go to the way of a – a) bird b)sea-gull c) star d) whale.

Ans. ____________________________________

iii) The call of the tide cannot be - a) heard b)declined c) accepted d) considered.

Ans. ___________________________________

iv) The merry yarn will be told by – a)a fellow rover b) the poet c) poet’s friend d) the captain

Ans. ____________________________________

B. Answer the following questions: 2x2=4

i) What will the poet do after long trick?


ii) To what are the winds compared?




3. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :

The origin of caste system in India dates back to the ancient times. There are two different perspectives for its origin in the country. These are either based on socio-economic factors or ideological factors. The first school of thought is based on the ideological factors and as per this, caste system finds its base in four Varnas. The perspective formed centuries ago was especially common among the scholars from the British colonial era. This school of thought categorizes people based on their class. There are basically four classes – Brahmins (teachers/priests) , Kshatriyas (kings/warriors), Vaishyas (traders) and Shudras (labourers/servants).The second school of thought is based on the socio-economic factors and as per this the system is rooted in the political, economic and material history of India. This perspective was common among the post-colonial era scholars. This school of thought categorizes people based on their caste, which is determined by the traditional occupation of their community. Caste system has had a strong hold in India and continues to do so. Today, this system has become the basis of reservation in education and jobs. Due to political reasons where castes constitute vote banks for parties; the reservation system is still intact in the country.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : 1x6=6

i) The caste system is originated in a)modern India b) ancient India c)Today India d) civilized India

Ans. ___________________________________

ii) The second School of thought categorize people based on their – a) caste b) creed c) religion d) language.

Ans. ___________________________________

iii) Caste of a community is determined by their traditional –a) customs b) culture c) occupation d)attire

Ans. ___________________________________

iv) Now, caste system has become the basis of reservation in education and jobs due to - a) social reason B)economical reason C)religious reason D)political reason.

Ans. ____________________________________

v) The last class in the caste system are- a) Brahmins b) Shudras c) kshatriyas d) Vaishyas.

Ans. ____________________________________

vi) Caste system has had a strong hold in –a)England b) America c) France d) India.

Ans. ____________________________________

B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false in the boxes against each statement. Provide supporting sentences/ phrases/expressions of your answer : (1+1)x3=6

i) According to some, caste system finds its base in five Varnas.

Supporting Sentence :

ii) There are basically four classes in the caste system.

Supporting Sentence :

iii) The reservation system in India is now Declining.

Supporting Sentence :

C. Answer the following questions: 2x4=8

i) What is the ideological factors about the origin of caste system in India?


ii) How does the second school of thought categorize the people?


iii) What are the four Varnas?


iv) Why is the reservation system still intact in India?




4. Write the correct alternative to fill in the blanks : 1x3=3

The kingdom of Robert Bruce ____________ (attack/was attacked/attacked) by the English. Bruce ____________ (fight/is fighting/fought) bravely but he ______________(were defeated/ will defeated/was defeated) again and again.

5.A) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions. 1x3=3

No longer are they _______ meek creatures who ____________ hour ago were mewing ___________ fish and milk.

B) Do as directed. 1x3=3

i) Only you can do this. (Turn into a negative sentence)


ii) We must eat or we cannot live. (change to simple sentence)


iii) So he changed his tactics. (Change the voice)


C) Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes given on the right hand side, changing the form, where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list. 1x3=3

a) Shun your bad habits.

b) He is not a man to yield.

c) You should not quarrel with your brother.

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in Questions No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right hand side. 2x4=8

i) Very old.

ii) A view

iii) A group sharing a common understanding, same language, manners, tradition and law.

iv) A specialist in a particular branch of knowledge.



7. Write a short story within 100 words on the basis of the following points and add a title and a moral : 10

Salt- merchant – a donkey – carried bags of salt – fell down in a stream – salt melted – load lightened – made it a habit – master sensed the design – placed cotton - became heavier – donkey punished.

8. Write a paragraph within 100 words about a film you have recently watched. Use the following points : 10

Date and time - Name of the film – director and stars- brief story- your feelings

9. Study the following flow-chart and describe how a flower garden is made. 10

A piece of land – dug, weeds if any cleaned – brought saplings of flowers – planted- watered – fence erected – some manure added – water given regularly- plants taken care- flowers bloom – felt a joy and proud.


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